Summer Camp
This summer we are holding a Day-Long Baseball Camp for local athletes. Led by The Velo Farm Coaching Staff and other current college baseball players, we will provide a structured player development camp for your son.
Dates :
June 30 / July 1 / July 2
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday
9AM - 2:30PM
Price - $360
Included - Water / T-Shirt
The camp age range is 5 years old to 14 years old.
Each camper will receive a commemorative T Shirt on the final day of camp.
Camp Information
Infielders / Outfielders / Catchers - Pre Pitch Routines, Skill Work, Fielding Practice, Fundamentals and more.
Pitchers - Mechanical analysis + instruction, Arm Care Routine, Radar Gun, Flexibility and Drill Work, Supervised Bullpens, Scrimmages and more.
Hitters - Drills, Live BP, Swing Mechanics, Scrimmages, Exit Velocity, Home Run Derby, and more!
Strength & Conditioning - We teach proper movement patterns, and perform workouts designed to improve on - field performance.
Speed & Baserunning - We teach Proper running mechanics, primary and secondary leads, and how to run the bases the right way!
FUN - We will make this the most fun you’ve ever had at a summer camp. Yes, our main focus will be on getting better and developing your skills, but we will have fun doing it! We will have many competitions and game scenarios for our campers. We will have individual & team games for campers to compete against one another. Prizes and awards will be given out at the conclusion of the camp.
Extended Care
We will offer extended care at a rate of $15 per hour. This only applies for 1 hour before camp (8am-9am) and After camp (2:30-3:30PM) Please contact Coach Ryan to Sign up for Extended Care.
Additional Information
Once you pay for camp, you will automatically receive camp registration form sent to your provided email address. Please print, fill out, and bring to first day of camp. Or you may email it to us prior to June 16th.
What To Bring
-Packed lunch
-Change of clothes
-Athletic shoes
-Baseball equipment
Location - The Velo Farm
2437 Gibson Rd. Forest Hill MD 21050
Feel free to reach out to Coach Ryan with any questions you may have regarding our summer camp ! Give him a call or text at 443-910-1997 or email at
We are looking forward to seeing everyone out here having fun in the sun. The Velo Farm Summer Baseball Camp is something you will not want to miss !