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Online Training

Can't make it out to the farm to train in person? We've got you covered. 

You now have the ability to train with The Velo Farm, no matter where you are in the world. We’ve built our online training program to service the needs of everyone / anyone who wants to invest in themselves, and take their game to the next level. 

Train remotely with our coaching staff, and let us handle your development. We will provide you with an individualized training plan that can be performed with or without any equipment.





Learn More

Our online training program is powered by

The Connect Platform.

Connect is player development software that we are using to program our athletes, assess, track, and interact with you.



YOU will be using Connect to log your workouts, track your throwing, and stay on top of your development plan. This is going to key to your success as a Velo Farm remote athlete.

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-Movement and mobility assessment

-Mechanical Analysis

-Throwing Program

-Strength Program

-Arm Care & Mobility Program

-Unlimited email support

-Monthly calls (unless needed more frequently)

-Monthly updates and progressions

-Video analysis of throwing and exercise technique

-Program updates every 4 weeks


Our Throwing Program is designed to help you improve your mechanics, build arm strength, gain velocity, and keep your arm healthy for the long haul. We take an individualized approach to coaching each thrower. We have helped countless athletes figure out their mechanics, and safely gain velocity. Let us help you on your journey to becoming the best thrower you can be.




$259.99 Monthly (Recurring)



What's Next? 

After purchasing your desired program, we will send you a confirmation email and set up a time to talk via Zoom. During the call we will get more information about you and your goals. (The call will last approximately

30 minutes.) 

During the call, we will also run you through our New Client Assessment Process.

We will then build out your athlete profile in Connect, and have you upload videos of your mechanics for further evaluation.


After the zoom call concludes, we will start building your training program. Your first month of training will not begin until we submit your program, and finalize your training schedule. (Please allow us a few days to build out your training program after the initial zoom call is over.)


New payments will due 4 weeks from the first day your training program begins; for people training month to month. 

If you have any other questions, contact us by filling out the form at the bottom of this page. 

Sign Up



Semi Remote - Full Online Program + In Person Sessions at Farm

This program is great for those who have a far drive, and can only make it to The Farm a few times per month.

We will schedule your Bullpens / Velo Days on the days you will be training In Person.

You will receive a fully customized Online Program to train on your own when you are away from The Farm.

1 x Per Month In Person


Remote Program

$335.99 - Monthly

2 x Per Month In Person 


Remote Program

$409.99 - Monthly

4 x Per Month In Person (1 visit per week)


Remote Program

$509.99 - Monthly

Semi Remote


We are happy to answer any questions about our online program. 


Fill out the form below to get in contact with our Team, so we can get the ball rolling. We are looking forward to working with you!

You should get a response from us within 24 Hours. 

Contact Us

Which Best Describes You?
Wha Program Are You Interested In?

Thanks for submitting.

You will hear back from us shortly!

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